Hey Friends... it’s me Seth!
I am launching a brand new Podcast on Oct 31, 2022. As such I cannot offer you a proof of concept, nor any statistics at this junction.
What I can offer you is a long standing track record as someone who has been producing content for the accounting industry for the better part of 20 years.
As a sponsor of my Guide to the Galaxy podcast, getting in now is critically important.
This is the mark of a major pivotal moment in my career. This is my final frontier and it is the culmination and consolidation of everything I have done so far.

Why should this matter to you?
This is my best foot forward after all of these years of doing what I’ve been doing. I have built an amazing team and community that will help me get this thing launched, off the ground, and well into orbit very quickly.
I have some of the best tools money can buy at my disposal which enable me to research and quickly identify the hottest topics, and of course I have many years of direct experience to be able to speak to many of these topics as they come up.
As this happens, of course I will raise the rates for sponsorships and eventually turn it into a pay per download model.
Now is your chance to get in at the launching pad. With my existing base of email subscribers and of course all across social media, I don’t think it will take long for this podcast to take off.
The range of topics is open to anything I’ve had experience with, and you will learn how important this is in the very first episode.

If you’re an app developer then you definitely want to get in as a sponsor.
I won’t just take you on as a sponsor. I will dig into your app (if I am not already familiar with it) and learn it, so I can speak to it from experience. And if you know me, then you know about my obsession with apps that make businesses and the people who run them more productive.
One thing you can count on with me is that I won’t promote something just to make money. I will be extremely selective in whom I take on. If I don’t love a product I will not take on the sponsorship (and I won’t take your money).